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Our Story

 At Melite, we believe “We are what we eat”. The foods we eat keep us healthy and are one of the main causes of diseases. Healthy Foods aren't out of reach, but a choice. The modern lifestyle is fast-paced and often dynamic, but the choices should not add at the cost of our health. The better choice we make, the healthier we live. 

Our inspirations were our ancestors, on how they lived longer and healthier, irrespective of their ages. The secret lies with the type of food they consumed. Traditionally, the use of supergrains or millets in their daily staples helped to maintain a healthy diet.  But changing times, these super foods vanished from our plates of daily consumption leading to multiple issues. Melite is a small step in bringing up the lost glory of nutritious foods.  We at Melite, believed that changing a bit of our daily food habits by including millets and other superfoods adds up to an enormous change in our life down the line.  


We started out the change by experimenting with friends and families. The experiments with inclusion of millets, grains and nuts into our daily palate brought in benefits of change in our health and lifestyle.  The benefits tempted us to propagate the learnings and help others too to lead a healthy life. The name "Melite" signifies the eliteness within me. It gives us the thought of being important and privileged. 




We at Melite, continuously strive for healthy-living, environment conscious and  be responsible for everyone’s good health.

Food Photography
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